Friday, September 27, 2013

Experiencing Music In A Different Way

This week the 3rd grade students have worked so hard on learning songs for Veteran's Day. We almost have the Military Medley memorized (with the exception of the Marines song.) It's definitely coming together. I hope they continue to work hard on the music where our hard work will pay off with an amazing Veteran's Day Program!

This week the 4th grade students have been experiencing music in a different way. We have been enjoying the different music stations: Instrument Station---playing the boomwhackers; Listening Station---listening to music on the iPods and drawing what they hear and feel; Reading Station---following along in a book while listening to the music on the iPods; Game Station---composing, arranging, and playing musical games on the iPads; Conducting Station---learning the different conducting patterns using the conducting batons and notating music using the dry erase boards. The kids absolutely love this! What a great way to experience music through listening, analyzing, performing, drawing, and evaluating. I also love being able to use technology in our music classroom!!!

Here are a few pictures of our 4th graders in action!

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