Wednesday, January 2, 2013



At BSLK this month, the students will be meeting a new friend, Largo. Largo means slow. The students will be singing to Largo using their Kodaly hand signs so & mi. The students will also be performing a Solfege exercise using the Kodaly hand signs they have learned. The students will be learning what a choir is. A choir is a group of people that sing. The students will also be learning what a conductor is. The conductor is the person who leads the music. The students will be learning the 4 Rules of Singing in a Choir: 1. Stand up straight 2. Sing forte 3. Smile 4. Keep your eyes on the conductor. The students will be learning these things because the students will be singing in Sweets & Songs on January 19th. We will be learning how to act on stage and how to act in the audience. Students will also be playing the rhythm sticks and egg shakers this month. The students will learn about the music staff and that it has 5 lines and 4 spaces. The students will also be learning some other cool Jack Hartmann songs for the PTO program on Feb. 5th in honor of Jack Hartmann coming to our school also in February.

At APS this month, the students will be meeting a new friend, Largo. Largo means slow. The students will be singing to Largo using their Kodaly hand signs so & mi. The students will also be performing many new Solfege exercises using all of the Kodaly singing hands. The students will be working on their musical concepts by writing and drawing them on their dry erase boards. The students will also be learning about MLK and singing a tribute to him in the song "Rise Up: Tribute to MLK." Students will also be working on their songs for Fine Arts Night including "Blackbird" "Rockin' Robin" "Three Little Birds" and learning a new song called "I Believe I Can Fly." Students will also be playing their egg shakers to a cool song called, "Shake! (Your Egg Shakers.)

All students will be enhancing their listening skills and literacy skills by reading music books. This month the main book of focus is, "Waking Up Is Hard to Do."

Lots of stuff going on! It's going to be a crazy rest of the year, but WELCOME BACK TO MUSIC!

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