Friday, August 28, 2015

Celebrating Our Differences

The first week of G.A.T.E. classes are coming to a close. We had a very productive week. Each class learned about celebrating our differences by sculpting one item from Play Dough that represented them best. We then took a piece of each sculpture and rolled them together to create a special sculpture showing that by working together we are one class that can accomplish many things together through our similarities and differences. Our class differences are now on display to see and remember throughout the school year.

G.A.T.E. students also created their own “I AM…” self-portraits. Every student drew and colored a picture of themselves and then described them by cutting out single words from magazines that fit with “I AM…”

G.A.T.E. students took an interest survey called “If I Ran the School.” This survey had the students to list only 10 things they would want to be taught if they were the boss and ran the school. It was neat to see everyone’s answers and once again, we got to see our similarities and differences.

WE HAVE AN INSTAGRAM NOW!!! Don't forget to follow us at aesgate3

The end result of our "Celebrating Our Differences" Play Dough Activity. We proudly have this hanging on the wall to remind us.

 Mrs. Shankles' and Mrs. Childers' class

 Mrs. Jones' class

 Mrs. Kirby's and Mrs. Hudgins' class

Mrs. Lang's and Mrs. Schrimsher's class

Thursday, August 13, 2015


I am proud to announce I am the new 3rd grade GATE teacher at Albertville Elementary School. I will be working with these two lovely ladies to help our children learn, grow, and thrive throughout the next few years. Left to right in the photo above you see Mrs. Lauren Thompson, GATE teacher at Evans for 5th and 6th grade gifted students, Mrs. Dianna Adams, GATE teacher for 4th grade gifted students at AES, and Miss Tracy Rogers, GATE teacher for 3rd grade students at AES.

This year our theme is AFRICA! Your students will be learning to conduct research, entering art contests, designing our own culture, participating in global events through the internet, learning about their own styles, and participating in STEAM activities.

I'm so excited about where this year will take us!!!