Friday, May 23, 2014

Thank You 4th Graders!

I would like to say thank you to the 4th graders for the beautiful flowers they gave me after the 4th grade musical. They are beautiful and I absolutely love them!

Pics from "Musical Royalty"

The 4th grade musical was a success on Tuesday night. Thank you to all of the parents who brought their children and supported the music program at AES! Thank you to Dianna Adams for videoing the performance and thanks to Kelley Lee for running the sound and helping me clean up the stage afterwards. 

Here are a few pictures from that night and a few of the stage. Once again sorry the quality is not great.

Thanks PreK

I would just like to say a big thank you to all of the wonderful PreK teachers and students for making my year fantastic. Everyone was so thoughtful. Mrs. Denney's class made me a music video with the students singing a song to me. It was absolutely adorable. And I have to share a cute picture of what Mrs. Sprouse's class gave me for the end of the year. I am so blessed.

The music notes are the students' fingerprints. It says: "Thanks for helping us find our voices." Isn't that sweet?

Good Behavior Parties & Party for Most Participation in 4th Grade Musical

This is just a quick blog to say "Congrats" to the classes with the best behavior the second semester.


3rd grade: Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Davis

4th grade: Mrs. Burns

Here are a few pictures from the parties! Sorry the pictures aren't great quality. In these pictures they are holding their music cupcakes from the Albertville Home bakery. How cute are they?

Mrs. Burns' class:

Mrs. Jones' class:

Mrs. Davis' class:

I would also like to thank Mrs. Gibson's class for being the class who had the most students to come and participate in our 4th grade musical on Tuesday night. Since Mrs. Gibson had 16 students come to the musical, they also received a music party.

Mrs. Gibson's class:

Friday, May 2, 2014

Rhythms, Rhythms, Rhythms!!!

This week the 3rd grade have been composing their own rhythms. After the students composed their own rhythms, they performed their rhythms on percussion instruments for the entire class! So much fun! 

4th Grade Musical DATE CHANGE!!!

4th Grade Musical
"Musical Royalty"
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
at 6:00 pm
in the Cafetorium

Students will wear their school shirt
Students should arrive by 5:30 pm

Because of the recent weather events and change of testing dates, we have rescheduled our 4th grade musical. Parents will receive a letter next week with the new date, but I wanted to go ahead and get the new date on my blog.