Friday, April 18, 2014

March, April, and May OH MY!!!!

March, April and May are always the most hectic months in music class. I'm sure it's like that for any class. The teacher is always trying to cram everything in at the last second. The schools are trying to squeeze in any and every activity possible. In music, I am always in a mad rush trying to finish covering those few standards I haven't addressed yet or the ones I'd like to add more to. So here's how music in April has far.

3rd grade: The 3rd graders have learned facts about Camille Saint Saens and did many Carnival of the Animal fun activities. Below is pictures of some students following along with a listening map to Carnival of the Animals: Kangaroo. The students were amazed at how music can represent different animals. For example, the music in the Kangaroo portion was very staccato: short hopping sound. The students have also learned facts about Sergei Prokofiev and listen to Peter and the Wolf. The students love to see how music can tell a story. The students have also played a composer game on Saint Saens and Prokofiev. They are very competitive children and they love to make learning competitive. So...I can assure you that every game was a close one.

Mrs. James' Class

Mrs. Schrimsher's class

4th grade: The 4th graders have worked extremely hard on their 4th Grade Musical which is coming up next month. The students have learned about the different music genres and the different kings and queens of music. This week the students started learning the sign language to the last song we will perform at our musical. It is going to be gorgeous! I still get goosebumps every time. I hope each of you can make it to our program! Details below:

4th Grade Musical
Music Royalty
Thursday, May 15, 2014
6:00 pm in the cafetorium
Students should wear school shirt.
Students should arrive at 5:30.