Friday, December 7, 2012
It's Christmas Time
At BSLK, the students are working on singing a Solfege exercise containing Kodaly hand signs: so, mi, la, do, and re. Students are also singing "The Winter Pokey" and singing and listening to Christmas books: The Little Drummer Boy, The 12 Days of Christmas, The Night Before Christmas, Santa Claus is Coming to Town. The students are also working with their Jingle Bell rhythm sheets and trying to stay on the beat by touching the bell. The next two weeks, the students will be playing the actual bells to "Jingle Bells."
At APS, the students are singing Solfege exercises containing all Kodaly hand signs. The students are also reviewing all musical concepts. The students are working on songs for Fine Arts Night: "Blackbird," "Rockin' Robin," and "Three Little Birds." The students are also using the Jingle Bell rhythm sheets and acknowledging the Repeat Sign. They understand that the repeat sign tells them to go back and do it again. The students are also reading and singing along to Christmas stories. The students are also playing the actual bells to "Jingle Bells"
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Pete the Cat Saves Christmas
At BSLK, the students sang to Piano, the mouse. The students know the definition of Forte: loud & Piano: soft and quiet. The students also learned a new Kodaly hand: re. So now they know: do, re, mi, so, and la. The students did a Solfege exercise with all the Kodaly hand signs they know. The students worked on their Sweets & Songs music: "Chatter with the Angels," "This Little Light of Mine," and "Peace Like a River." The students listened and sang along to Pete the Cat Saves Christmas. Then the students learned to tap the beat of "Jingle Bells" on the Jingle Bell rhythm sheets.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thanksgiving and Tambourines
This week at BSLK the students reviewed Kodaly hand signs: so, mi, la, and do. The students also met Piano, the mouse. The students learned that Piano means soft and quiet. The students sang and danced to an Indian song called "Pow Wow." The students also talked about what all we are thankful for and sang and danced to "Thanksgiving Song." The students learned the song "Five Fat Turkeys." At the end of class, we echoed rhythms with the drums. The students also learned that a fancy word for drumstick is MALLET.
This week at APS the students reviewed all of the Kodaly hand signs: do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti. The students sang to Piano, the mouse. The students remembered from last year that piano means soft and quiet. The students sang and danced to the Indian song, "Pow Wow." The students then reviewed "Blackbird" and "Rockin' Robin." Then the students played the tambourines and sang to "Tambourine Says Ching!"
This week at APS the students reviewed all of the Kodaly hand signs: do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti. The students sang to Piano, the mouse. The students remembered from last year that piano means soft and quiet. The students sang and danced to the Indian song, "Pow Wow." The students then reviewed "Blackbird" and "Rockin' Robin." Then the students played the tambourines and sang to "Tambourine Says Ching!"
Thursday, November 1, 2012
This week at BSLK, we reviewed our spooky songs: "Spooky Loo" "Spooky Walk" "This is Halloween." We also listened and sang along to the book "The Monster Mash." The kids also learned the song "Five Little Pumpkins." We also reviewed our Kodaly singing hands: so, mi, la, and do. We then sang to Forte, the lion, using Kodaly hand signs so and mi. We also learned "The Skeleton Dance." Students that are in next weeks PTO Program rehearsed the patriotic songs.
At APS, the students are reviewing all of the Kodaly hand signs: do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti. The students are singing to Forte, the lion, using Kodaly hand signs so and mi. The 2nd grade students are reviewing on their white boards: music staff, quarter note, eighth note, half note, whole note, treble clef, and bass clef. The 1st grade students are reviewing: music staff, quarter note, eighth note, treble clef, and bass clef. The students are singing "Blackbird" and reviewing the song "Rockin' Robin." The words in "Rockin' Robin" go by very fast, so we are having to slow it down to get all of the words in. The students are also playing with their rhythm sticks and echoing quarter and eighth note beat rhythms.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Spooky Time
I did not get a chance to blog last week because my internet was down here at school, but I'll try my best to fill you in on what has been going on in music class.
At BSLK last week and this week, we have been playing with the egg shakers and singing Halloween songs. We have done the "Spooky Loo," which is a scary version of the "Looby Loo." We also have learned "This is Halloween." In "This is Halloween" we get to be a jumping skeleton, a flying witch, a rolling pumpkin, a scary monster, and trick-or-treaters. We sang and read the book "Five Little Pumpkins." We also did the "Spooky Walk." In the "Spooky Walk" we get to use our imaginations and pretend to walk by patting our hands on our thighs. We get to go through tall grass, swim through a dark river, and visit inside a cave where is cold and slimy. The kiddos also learned a new Kodaly hand sign: do.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Dem Bones/Monster Mash
This week at BSLK we sang an exercise using our Kodaly hand signs: so, mi, and la. We sang to Forte, the lion. We went over our Patriotic Songs: "My Country Tis of Thee," "This Land is Your Land," and "Yankee Doodle." Certain classes went over "Your a Grand Ole Flag" and "Three Cheers For The Red, White, And Blue." We then watched a brief video clip of the song "Dem Bones" and then played our rhythm sticks to "Tap Your Sticks." The kiddos are getting really awesome at using Rest Position and Ready Position.
At APS this week and next we are singing a Major Scale with ALL of our Kodaly hand signs. We are then singing to Forte, the lion. We are reviewing music concepts this week by using dry erase boards and markers. I will call out a musical term and the kids will draw it on their board. Then the students will review "Blackbird" and begin to learn "Rockin' Robin." The students will also sing along to "This is Halloween." Then, at the end of the class, we are following along with the book Monster Mash while listening to the song.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
What a Wonderful World
What a wonderful world we live in! What a wonderful schools BSLK and APS are! This week at BSLK, the students met a new friend, Forte-the lion. We learned that Forte means: loud. So now, when I say sing Forte, the students know to sing loudly. We also sang our Patriotic songs: "My Country Tis of Thee," "This Land is Your Land," and "Yankee Doodle." Certain classes started learning "Your a Grand Ole Flag" to sing at the November PTO program. The kids favorite part of the lesson was listening to Louis Armstrong sing "What a Wonderful World" and look at the beautiful pictures in the book. The students also played the rhythm sticks to a new song called, "Tap Your Sticks." In this song, the students tap their sticks in the air, on the ground, on their knees, to the left, and to the right, etc.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
What a week at BSLK! The kids are doing AWESOME! We are dancing to "Feel the Music Play" and singing our Patriotic Music: "My Country Tis of Thee," "This Land is Your Land," and "Yankee Doodle." Next week we will begin working on "You're a Grand Ole Flag" and "America the Beautiful." The kids are singing beautifully. This week we are continuing to use the rhythm sticks and practice the "rest postion" and "ready position." The students also learned a new Kodaly hand sign, "la." So now, the BSLK kiddos know "so" "mi" and "la." WOW! :)
At APS, the students will be reviewing music concepts such as: treble clef, bass clef, quarter note, etc. We will also be singing to "Elephants Have Wrinkles" and "Blackbird." The APS kids will also be singing to our new friend, Forte-the lion. We will be playing the rhythm sticks to "Tap Your Sticks" and reading and singing Pete the Cat and His 4 Groovy Buttons.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tap Twirl and Twist
This week at BSLK the kids sang to Solfegio, the clown, while using the Kodaly hand signs "so" and "mi." We then sang through "My Country Tis of Thee" and began learning "This Land is Your Land." We read Pete the Cat and His 4 Groovy Buttons. Even though Pete lost all of the buttons on his shirt he still had his BELLY BUTTON and went right along and sang his song. We then learned about Rhythm Sticks. We talked about "rest position" and "ready position." We then used the rhythm sticks while singing "Tap Twirl and Twist." The students did an amazing job!!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Makin' Music
What are some different ways we can music? The kids at BSLK know! We can not only use instruments, but also our hands and feet. This week in music the kids watched a brief clip of STOMP: a percussion theatre performance group that uses the body and objects to make music. The students watched the group use their hands, feet, garbage cans, garbage can lids, pipes, and sticks to make music. We discussed that no matter where you are or what resources you have, you can make music. We also danced to "Feel the Music Play," read and sang to Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, and reviewed "My Country Tis of Thee." WE MADE MUSIC!
Friday, September 7, 2012
If You're Happy and You Know It
What a short, but awesome week! Even though I didn't get to see 10 of my music classes because we were out on Monday, we had a fun time at BSLK! We reviewed our Kodaly singing hands "so" and "mi." We also sang to Solfegio, the clown, and danced to the Hip Hop Tooty Ta. We reviewed the song "My Country Tis of Thee" and began learning "You're a Grand Old Flag." We also practiced some echo rhythms using body percussion. But the kids absolutely loved "If You're Happy and You Know It." Now, keep in mind, we aren't talking about the regular song. This one is a spiced up version of "If You're Happy and You Know It." We got to chomp our teeth like the crocodile, wag our tail like the dog, giggle like the hyena, pound our chest like the gorilla, plus many more.
At APS, I'm finishing up today seeing all the kiddos. I have over 1300 students here and because I'm only here 2 1/2 days out of the week I only get to see the students every other week. I am proud to say my 2nd grade kids remembered the Music Staff (5 lines, 4 spaces) quarter note (1 beat) eighth note (1/2 beat) half note (2 beats) and whole note (4 beats.) They also remembered the treble clef, bass clef, and the repeat sign. WOW! I was super impressed. I also talked to the students about the tuning fork and how it tells us what note to sing.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Rockin' in My School Shoes
Music started this week. I finished my first week with my BSLK kiddos and now I start today with my APS kiddos. We sang to Solfegio, the clown, which they had a ABSOLUTE BLAST doing! We learned two Kodaly hand signs "so" and "mi." We danced to Jack Hartmann's Hip Hop Hokey Pokey. They had the cutest little dance moves. We also read Pete the Cat: Rockin' in My School Shoes. We learned that Pete the Cat never worried. He just kept rockin' along and singin' his song. We also started learning "My Country Tis of Thee." It was a wonderful week at BSLK!
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